Back to back shrimp times in two of the peachiest locales the Ostendian coastline has to offer! This second day’s foray will take us across the puddle and into O.666’s temporary utopia, where the solemn incantations of Leila Bordreuil’s cello, Maibaum’s whimsical roamings, and Sunk Heaven’s cool steel electronics will meet and greet for a day trip worth anyone’s dime.
PAY WHAT YOU CAN | 8 /or/ 12 EUR |
18:00 | DOORS |
19:00 | Maibaum |
20:00 | Leila Bordreuil |
21:00 | Sunk Heaven |
Leila Bordreuil
French-born Brooklyn-based cellist Leila Bordreuil teeters on the fringes of contemporary classical and far-out experimentation in her countless compositions and incarnations. Come for the prolific divagations into sound and texture, as heard at that magnificent KRAAK Fest 2018 showing :’)
One third of the Dhavali Giri convoy, Maibaum presents an orphic world of wonder and mischief that could very well find its home in a Nonlocal constellation. Melodic chimes and soaring aerophone vibrations are the main elements of this new age for a new age.
Sunk Heaven
The alias of New Yorker Austin Sley-Julian, Sunk Heaven blends poetry and performance into disintegrating electronic soundscapes with a palpable punk streak. No techno, no dub and no no-wave, but instead the persistent liminalities of the in-betweens.