De Biënnale van België
Sam Gunst is naast de bezieler van het grafische platform Het 1ste Verdiep, labelbaas achter EURO2000, ook de breinverruimende en vrijzinnige curator achter de Biënnale van België. Deze tentoonstelling brengt 8 kunstenaars samen een nieuwe beloftevolle generatie off-stream kunstenaars vormen. Sam Gunst nodigde KRAAK uit om een muziekprogramma samen te stellen om de vernissage krachtdadig te injecteren.
Afework Nigussie
Versatile musician and singer from Gondar (north of Ethiopia). His solo set at Gardena will emulate his personal allegorical history of that of an ‘Azmari’; a type of Ethiopian bard who embodies the freedom of speech in Ethiopia by singing provocative, humoristic and often improvised verses set to music. Afework frequently collaborates with Dutch post-punk mainstays THE EX.
Dystopian technoise made by the Brussels based underground star Matthieu Levet. He forms with fellow Brussels undergrounder TG the band Pizza Noise Mafia. Played last year a killer set at the KRAAK festival.
McCloud Zicmuse
Brussels most enthousiast and dandyesque artist, song writer, instrument builder and collector of Belgian folk music. As Le Ton Mitié he makes lo-fi songs, but when he uses his birth name, he explores the possibilities of up cycled music instruments and out there tunings. Highly recommended is his Shelter Press released tape The Well-Tuned Laeniaen.