Holiday Island VI
Holiday Island and KRAAK present the deep exploration of the Archipel of Holiday.
Calhau! makes harsh but severe electronic music, combined with a grotesque and reserved voice. Dark, mythological and poetical, Calhau! sounds like Throbbing Gristle having a coffee together with Ghédalia Tazartes.

Chris Rainier
Rainier drops Hawaiian lapsteel in a bath of microtonality, the heritage of Harry Partch and subtle analogue electronics.
Escaped from Paris to get lost in the capital of Europe, Laurent Girard is a lonely satelite in the same regions where Robert Ashley and Serge Gainsbourg dwell. He makes outsider pop music, puddling in a stream of stilistic and aesthetic experiment. He easily shifts in between emotional chansons, vocal madness and broken industrial. His recent single Triste Zoo on the great Lexi disques is in the running for the song of the year!