Mystery and heavy aura'ing at Ghent's infamous Citadel Park. Organ meditations, aulos jams and primitive Americana through the East Flandrian funnel are on the cards for this art-heavy Publiek Park festival.
An initiative of and in collab with Young Friends of S.M.A.K // Image by Victor Verhelst!
FREE ENTRANCE | Reservation necessary |
Fri. 16 July 2021
Citadelpark, 9000
18.00 | "doors" |
18.15 | Venediktos Tempelboom |
19.00 | Bloedneus & De Snuitkever |
20.00 | Mentos Gulgendo |
Bloeneus & De Snuitkever
Bloedneus & De Snuitkever is Brussels-based artist and musician Lukas De Clerck’s musical alias. His fascination with sounds silenced by time led him to uncover the mysteries of the aulos, that ancient double-reeded pipes whose layered tones favored by satyrs lay dormant for centuries. Forgotten recorders in a 14 hole windbag are also part of this continuous quest for sonic resurrection, all woven together into arrestingly amorphous drone compositions where the subtle shifts and wild variations are the sensorial equivalents of memories displaced from time. His recent Fume Fiume digi-EP on KRUT is a testament to reviving sounds eternal, telling new stories along the way.
Mentos Gulgendo
Hailing from the Polish cityscapes, vibrational artist/sisters Mila and Antonina Nowacka have been ensnaring the uninitiated for years through their immersive audiovisual outlet WIDT. As Mentos Gulgendo, organ and voice are the chosen implements for an expansive tonal research, and a truly imaginative one at that. Their release on Slip was a mercurial first outing into some exotic meditative vistas, and their KRUT follow-up Tiles of the Last Journey took excerpts of their performance at Immanuelkirche for Papiripar Festival, spinning it into a fleshed-out trip for the ages.
Venediktos Tempelboom
Izegem’s Venediktos Tempelboom, real name Benoit Monsieurs, takes the 12-string guitar and its chromatic possibilities to forge arabesques of psychedelic order inspired by the primitive guitarists of today’s yesteryear, with that ik-weet-niet-wat proper to these misty lowlands. As much an heir to the Hellvete/Silvester Anfang/Ignatz legacy as much as interpreter of the Robbie Basho and Jack Rose canons, Tempelboom is a creation from out of time, seeking transcendence through acoustics and light anonymity. Het Ruist is his first digital EP out on KRUT, with paradoxically earthly music being made for rustling trees and serene inner flights.