kraut / improv
You might still remember the far-out show of EMBRYO on the Sloowjob festival in March. Main band member Christian Burchard called sick last minute then, but still the rest of the band came over for an amazing show with Mik Quantius taking over command. Now Embryo comes back and this time with their full line-up. This legendary krautrock band started in 1967 with the help of freejazz pianist Mal Waldron. Further on they developed a unique style within German psychedelia, focussing a lot on ethnic music in the last few decades. Embryo is absolute music history, still live and kicking on stage. Unlike many cheezy hippy dollar-reunions, this is genuine and never ending free culture!
R.O.T. is the electro-acoustic Belgian all star improv band consisting of Laurent Cartuyvels (Veglia), Floris Vanhoof, Christophe Piette and Bram Borloo (Parktldog). Meandering free music with elements of noise, musique concrète and contemporary experimentalism.
Sheldon Siegel
SHELDON SIEGEL stole their band name from an American legal drama novelist and are waiting for their first lawsuit. Belgian free jazz history in the making.