Lede Hills 9 0 5 0
A focal point at the greyzone of a city… that is sometimes enough to give an underground a kick in its face. Since a couple of years serves the common ground In De Ruimte as the perfect generator for a clusterfuck of shows, expo’s graphic experiment and labels. Lede Hills 9 0 5 0 is a such a celebration of 5 imagineers from the Ghentian Underground.
Ivoren Toren Presents Chantler / Lunds + Docteurlamot
Ivoren Toren is the trans-phenomon plalform in which concerts, dance, holistic science and imagination circle around Jonas Vanhullebusch — himself a devoted dancer, musician and all round imagineer.
He presents the duo of Chantler/Lunds, both key figures in the Danish underground. They create a universe of meditational drones with the aid of modular synthesizer and circular breathing saxophone. Also Docteurlamort will perform as a transglobal time traveller through the wormholes of vapor-wave, 80ties synth collages and abstract electronics. Image Madlib being a French nerd living on a diet of DIY cd-r’s, Back to The Future and Standard in-fi released.
KERM Records presents KRAUS
KERM records is since its existence one of the strongholders in the Ghentian cassette scene. Driven by gut feeling and hypersensivity, his output ranges from spoken word, broken acid, tape collage, fluxus inspired noise, casio pop, contemporary gabba and hip hop concréte.
KERM presents KRAUS, the New-Zealandian Joe Meek from Outer Space. KRAUS mixes sharp fuzz guitar with worn out tape effects and modular synth weirdness. His recent tape on KERM records sounds as the soundtrack for a existential sci-fi movie in which the aliens are made out of beach balls and latex, and in which the astronauts wear badly fitted suits and long dirty beards.
Social Harmony presents ‘Electronic Gamelan Music’ by David Edren
Social Harmony is a non-academic research universe, in which he explores the mind boggling properties of image, geometry and color. In this research he displays a fondness for the imperction of RGB colors, VHS and tape grittyness and exotica from lost times when melancholy still was a good thing.
Social Harmony presents the new synaesthetic experience and tape by the Antwerpian modular synth master David Edren. He will explore the possibilities of electronic gamelan music to redefine the definitions of exotica into a mind burning experience.
EURO2000 presents Pulsagari
EURO2000 is one of the many branches — next to Eerste Verdiep, The Biennal of Belgium and ENERGIE01 — coming out of the graphic total experiment of Sam Gunst, resulting in zines, exhibitions and a label. He delves deep into the collective unconsciousness of the ‘wrong’ and materializes the outcomes rigorously into typography, images and a fascination for 90ties iconography and johnny cars.
To kick off the part, EURO2000 invited Pulsagari, a dark neo-acid monster out of a Japanese B-movie that plays mutated TB 303’s and analogue drum madness.
STROOM presents NSRD “Workshop For The Restoration Of Unfelt Feelings” expo + LP
The STROOM collective started out as a free from internet radio and became quickly the point of reference for all things cold and synth wave, and pseudo exotica forgotten in the outer regions of musical history. As label they fiercely hit the decks with archival releases of the soundtrack of Jan Zonder Vrees, Jan van den Broecke and Cybe.
They present an exhibition with archival material of the Latvian NSRD-collective. NSRD means roughly translated “the workshop for the restoration of unfelt feelings” and was the name for a group of musicians and artists around Juris Boiko and Hardijs Ledins. In the 80ties they were an subversive avant-garde group in which performances, minimal wave and zines where part of dada influenced total happenings that scandalized the communist authorities. The LP that stroom releases contains a selection of the best tracks that this collective produced.