Lizzy Vandierendonck & Lieven Martens Moana
Fear of Missing Out could be the dominant psychology of the 21st century. A hyper transparant reality presents itself through photos and status updates as an authentic and neutral fact, but it is more than ever staged and artificial. Every update shouts how great it was, and screams out how wrong the absent were; however, if you’re so into it, why are you updating your facebook profile?
Lizzy Vandierendonck & Lieven Martens Moana
Visual artist Lizzy Vandierendonck found in composer Lieven Martens Moana a partner in crime to conceptualise this 21th century form of ennui into a performative installation. In their shared aquatic world the main roles are played by exotica, sea mythology and parallel perspectives; the installation is a cross breed of a film set for a low budget animation movie, an aquarium and a new age club designed on LSD. The 2 artists stage as such a non-existent party, where the residu outlives the reality.