Backdated for archival purposes 🥴
For the third and last (!) time this Saturday (tomorrow!) 14/10 at de koer, Ghent 😱 The physical outlet for KRAAK’s digital-only label KRUT, KRUT Fest III presents a mish-mash of electronic & electroacoustic dubbery, mumblecore idolatry, texturized suites, fully-liberated rock and other occurrences of exploratory musical stances. With:
~ Carrageenan ~ Guilhem All ~ Ignatz ~ Lamina ~ Linus Vandewolken ~ Marcia Bassett ~ Passed Futurist ~ SKERM DJ set
For the occasion: new KRUT EPs by Carrageenan, Ignatz, Lamina and Passed Futurist out this Friday!
More info & tickets this way // Hop in as the ethermobile goes for one last jaunt around the block party!

NEW RELEASE ALERT::: Eve Aboulkheir ~ Hypnagogic walks, out Oct 20 ✨ a hypnotic, blindsiding descent into digital acousmatics, like swathes of lucid dreams in sonic technicolor! Check out the opening track "Valley" & why not place a preorder over at our Bandcamp.
Launch event will happen 22/10 at Q-O2’s magical sound loft with Eve going full electroacoustic sound sorceress of the digiage, alongside some sentimental guitar escapism by none other than dexterous sound wiz Andrew Pekler. More info here!

~ Just landed from a most magical time in Budapest’s UH Fest, as seen on our latest “KRAAK this whatever” post. Not much to say besides high praise, keep an eye out for their next edition (and more future collabs 👀)
~ Radio Roundup: Dylantje went on her first Kiosk excursion for a pre KRUT Fest learning sesh while the latest DNVG proved to be all we ever wanted whence Venediktos comes a rollin! Check out his YouTube page which nobody in their right mind can get enough of. New ep airing this Friday over at Radio Panik with previews of all the new KRUTs and other senseless babbling
~ YT Focus chamber: lots of new shows up on the KRAAK channel, including Zohastre, Pairi Daeza, Solina Lapsus, Disturbo F, Maria Teriaeva and Zone Bleue!
~ Events of Note segment will kick off again once we have our heads screwed back on after all this day trippin 😵‍💫 so maybe next year!