KRAAK at Het Bos, presenting two recent releases: A debut LP by Het Interstedelijk Hermoniumverbond and The Fluid Computer LP and photobook by Floris Vanhoof, in the ever-enchanting locals' company of Remörk and Benjamin Verdonck.
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Floris Vanhoof
Floris Vanhoof is interested in the hybrid form of music, photography and film. Inspired by structural film and early electronic music he makes audiovisual installations, expanded cinema performances and music releases. Experimenting with cross-medium translation and compatibility, he questions our viewing patterns and the possibility of the new perspectives to emerge. Vanhoof builds his own instruments to discover the border between image, light and sound. Regardless of nostalgia, he purposively chooses analog technology, reinventing 'high-tech' and looking for the ways to make old images with new media.

Het Interstedelijk Harmoniumverbond
A new harmonium league dedicated to the finest explorations of temporality in music. The collaborative project of Glen Steenkiste, Brecht Ameel, David Edren and Steve Marreyt remarkably addresses the most delicate elements of drone sound. Warmth and genuine intuition of the ensemble coexists with abstract, rather cold post-human electronics. Acoustic, contemplative quality of HIHV performances call for the revitalisation of attentive listening in the world that chronically lacks time. Het Interstedelijk harmoniumverbond has just put out a new LP by KRAAK.
One of Belgium’s best kept secrets, and the brain behind a lot of technology that makes some Antwerpian artists sounds like no-one else is Kris Delacour. A multi-instrumentalist and a free mind who is equally a highly talented craftman in music, as he is randomly free-wheeling conceptionalist under his Remörk moniker. He released one LP-gem on Ultra Eczema, a residu of a complex process to integrate all forms and media music could have been.
Benjamin Verdonck
Benjamin Verdonck is an actor, writer, visual artist and theatre make from Antwerp. His practice resists inbetween genres and classification, creating new and reinventing existent forms: staged theatre pieces on stage, performances in public space, mobile theatres, across objects and art installations. Concerned with and distracted by what goes on in our world, he plays the game of a child with the wrinkles of a philosopher. Verdonck has recently been creating a series of table-sized mobile theaters, himself taking a role of both machinist and protagonist.
At Het Bos he will present 'Waldeinsamkeit', a baroque miniature with faded colours, little hatches that open and close, light, darkness and a whole lot of strings. Generally translated as ‘the deep connection you feel when walking alone in the forest’, this word in its title also stands for a feeling of insecurity in a dark and unpredictable space.