KRAAK & Vooruit presents
Pancrace Project
Pancrace is an improvising quintet comprising French, British and Austrian performers. The members include Prune Bécheau, Arden Day, Julien Desailly, Léo Maurel and Jan Vysocky. Pancrace is also the name of the church in Dangolsheim Alsace located next to where the instrument inventor Léo Maurel lives. Maurel makes ingeniously designed instruments inspired by the hurdy gurdy.
Pancrace instigates proceedings in the confinement of an organ; a Cyclops puffing its continuous and raucous breath only to be woken by instruments who, like horseflies, mischievously start tormenting proceedings with microtones and striated polyrhythms. The journey ends four sides later with the language of the birds imposing an unadorned silence on the church.
Glorias Navales
Glorias Navales is a band based in Santiago, Chile, who combine local folk traditions and paganism with a post-Velvets aesthetic. Imagine Lou Reed, John Cale and Violeta Parra together, doing late night acoustic lo-fi trance jams in a rural area of Chile. They offer a raw, unvarnished walkway straight into heart the of the contemporary Chilean underground. Kye recently released the great ‘Cofradia Nautica’ their debut LP and the follow-up to 2015’s ‘Carta a Maureen Tucker’ cassette on ETCS. “ Drawn from live concert tapes recorded at BYM Records, and recordings made in the band’s private practice space.