The monthly Substack rip of KRAAK happenings, without the mini bonuses °_°
THIS SATURDAY, KRAAK has the greatgrand pleasure to collaborate with one of Hungary's foremost experimental music festivals, Budapest's own UH Fest for a meeting of off-kilter minds & matters beyond landlocked borders and into our tepid lowlands.. A selection of mutually loved artists ~ the modular jamming of Palmovka/Prell, the ethereal poetics of Ma'iwa, Annelies Monseré's lore of the modern day folk, the future dance drip of Új Bála and Goldblum's dusted tape glamor ~ join forces for a night at ABClub, where the Danube will flow into the Senne to electrifying effect ✨ JUNE 10 AT ABClub, STARTS EARLY, info & timetable & tickets this way

In other June happenings, we’re chuffed to be part of the first edition of Fete de l’éléphant, a free festival by Molenbeekers for Molenbeekers, with a day of musically adventurous proposals from all walks and talks. On the bill: the Albanian dance tunes of Melos Rouge et Noir blending into Devon Rexi’s sci-fi dub spiralling into Younes Zarhoni’s sufi chants, all rounded up by the physical selections of the NGHE team and the infectious festiveness of the local fanfares passing through. More info coming soon on the kraak.net, but for the moment mark thine calendars for June 24 at Parc de la Fonderie in Molenbeek 👐

It’s not a release or a show or a shitpost::: it’s KRAAK's new music zine finally seeing the light of day!! Following the footsteps of near-iconic predecessors Ruis and The Avant-Guardian, the GR*ZE KRENT is a fresh start to its written word and a testament to vast potential in a neurally-challenged age. This inaugural issue features Annelies Monseré, Charmaine's Names, Donna Candy, Firmaet Forvoksen, Olimpia Splendid as well as musico-literary chronicles by Eline Cremers, fiction by Tän Pi and a specially curated YouTube playlist by the KRAAK HQers themselves. Order your copy over at our Bandcamp or obtain it from our merch stand near you 👀
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