Back to back shrimp times in two of the peachiest locales the Ostendian coastline has to offer. First round: Friday 13 rituals in the reinstated OHK pool house, with sounds provided by the spectral synthings of Fantôme Josepha, mellow anthems by FLUNT and dancing jams selected by Liesbeth Feys.
PAY WHAT YOU CAN | 5 /or/ 10 EUR |
Fri. 13 May 2022
OHK, Koninginnelaan 1, 8400 Oostende
19:00 | DOORS |
20:00 | FLUNT |
21:00 | Fantôme Josepha |
22:00 | Liesbeth Feys (dj) |
00:00 | DONE |
Fantôme Josepha
Ghostly and gutsy scores from kindred spirits Marcaille (Monsieur, and also of Foudre Rockeur legacy) and the enigmatic Josépha, two troubadours of the Hexagon and beyond continually spread their hauntedly catchy lullabies. A KRUT EP is forthcoming!
Ostend’s own F. Hoorelbeeke aka FLUNT is a maker of melancholic anthems that pace and parade into the psyche like sonic scrawlings by a jack of all trades. A KRUT EP has forewent!
Liesbeth Feys (dj set)
Chanted folklore and hidden pop gems are this selector’s wares ~ dancing and waltzing are the same thing, and the Feys will bring it.