vr. 13 mei 2022
Deuren open 19:00COASTAL SHRIMPIN pt 1: Fantôme Josepha ~ FLUNT ~ Liesbeth Feys (dj)
Back to back shrimp times in two of the peachiest locales the Ostendian coastline has to offer. First round: Friday 13 rituals in the reinstated OHK pool house, with sounds provided by the spectral synthings of Fantôme Josepha, mellow anthems by FLUNT and dancing jams selected by Liesbeth Feys.
PAY WHAT YOU CAN | 5 /or/ 10 EUR |
vr. 13 mei 2022
OHK, Koninginnelaan 1, 8400 Oostende
19:00 | DOORS |
20:00 | FLUNT |
21:00 | Fantôme Josepha |
22:00 | Liesbeth Feys (dj) |
00:00 | DONE |