The bad first: Pierre Elitair will sadly not make it to the festival due to health complications. But here's the good: his comrade in crimes Daniel De Botanicus has gracefully stepped up to close the Friday night ceremonies with a multi-synth set for the ages as his Antwerp-renonwned alter ego Cassis Cornuta. KORGING TIMES AHEADDD.
Daniel De Botanicus aka Cassis Cornuta is a living Antwerp legend. Musician, radio producer, artist, performer, botanist, hat collector, DJ, president central, the man has done it all ~ unlistenably so! This ultimate friendly outsider and major synth freak goes all out with his buddies Korg and Roland, treating unsuspecting bystanders to whimsical and unpredictable sound magic to end the first act of the fest!
"Combination of a Cassis Cornuta live show and a 're-enactment' of a spontaneous moment from a couple of years ago (throwing flyers at/in a ceiling fan), during the opening of Dennis Tyfus' expo 'Forward In Time'
From Mag Ik Eens Even In Uw Broek Pissen? (Ultra Eczema, ????)
Some live cassette loops!
Cassis Cornuta plays KRAAK Festival 2021 Friday October 1.
Tickets this way!