KRAAK FEST 2021 HIGHLIGHTS: Foudre Rockeur
Now here's some honest to goodness rock n roll: Foudre Rockeur, these self-appointed demons of rock, are the collision of Mr Marcaille and a group of residents from the Pôle Habitat ADAPEI in Widranges. Together they blast out forthright jams that need no words be chanted along with.
A pure and unadulterated love for rock & roll and a gang of good friends is really all that’s needed to start a kickass band. So it was that Christophe, Laurent, Benoît, William, Justin and Laura got together to create a true Foudre Rockeur. With Arnaud (aka the infamous Monsieur Marcaille) on bass, this band of outliers will break out their raw jams all the way from Woëvre ~ chanson française reimagined as dadaist punk, like extremely stripped down and ramped up Träd, Gras Och Stenar jams blissfully lost in the Lorrainean planes.
Listen to their Les démons du rock LP (Les Disques de la Face Caché/Animal Biscuit, 2020)
Live at base du Colvert, 2018
Cover of "Smoke on the Water" at the Fête de la musique in Verdun, 2018
Foudre Rockeur play KRAAK Festival 2021 Saturday October 2.
Tickets this way!