March 05, 2021
Kraak fest, where are they now?
The goils of KRAAK reminiscing on the ghosts KRAAK Fests past while presenting the spirits of the future while Pauwel lurks in din of the Admin Dungeon. Featuring the latest by Still House Plants, Ka Baird, Kraus, Embassador Dulgoon, Gaute Granli, and Madalyn Merkey amid the tragedy of spilled beer and technical fuck ups, just like at KRAAK Fest :')
Right around now we'd be gearing up for the yearly cavalcade of KRAAK Festival, hopped up on coffee and the unmistakable headrush of anticipation before the best kind of family gathering there is. While we collect ourselves for the delayed adrenaline kick (IN OCTOBER!) it feels like the perfect moment to recollect and reminisce while checking in on the KRAAK Fest alumni of bygone years. On today's De Neus Van God: WHERE ARE THEY NOW KRAAKFEST EDITION ~ tune in to hear what sick jams have been recently cooked up by the sick jammers of KRAAK Fest's past, and join us in sending a nod to all the heads that give each year its own distinctive flavor, whatever that means to ya