As the fermenting grounds for freshly-baked and potentially heart stirring projects, here's one from our favorite KRAMP and New York's Luke Calzonetti. As EC Band, they take us to woozy territories through dark guitar meanderings. Dusky Friday night music comin' your way.
A fresh collaboration between New Yorker Luke Calzonetti (Run Dust, Sugarstick & Xerox) and Limburgian Stijn Wybouw (KRAMP, Geen Bloemen Meer Voor Jou) of transcendental improv overtones. Undulating layers of synth lashings, cymbal echoes, and some laid-back guitar action mesh in a spaced out trip in the physical and astral plane. Sick twilight tripping indeed ~ finely crafted visuals by Caroline Coolen and a first full-on LP will or has come your way via the great Meakusmean avenue.
IN VOLLE GLORIE performance w/ Caroline Coolen at Whitehouse Gallery Lovenjoel
EC Band KRAAK Festival 2021 Friday October 1.
Tickets this way!