
 Embasador Dulgoon

The transmission was not a straight communication. Hydrorion Remnants, it was called. You could describe it more as a steady trickle of primordial visions, liquid imagery covering the spectrum of sensations one feels when confronted with the unseen and the unknown. In it, moments of outlandish virtuosity are layered with the materiality of physical and temporal elements, the textures evoked within feeling simultaneously uncanny and intimately familiar. The subject titles of the message allude to an alternate reality, a secret mercurial archeology, perhaps deep in the future or far in the past: Sigillaria Spacecrofts and Daedalean Escapades; Incantations of the Aethyr Macgovanias and Orkneyan Skerries, 2078. What could it all mean, these suprastral arrangements, this alien exotica? The emitter of these codes could only be one: the shapeshifting post-tellurian entity known as Embassador Dulgoon. I managed to intercept him during his current errands in the sub-Equatorian spheres of our realm. The following is a transcript of our exchange.
28 January 2019 | AG 14

Hello, Embassador. What brings you on this present voyage into our timeline?


I’m chasing quantum parasites now, that’s my current main mission. Can’t talk much about it though, it is classified information…


The transmission titled Hydrorion Remnants has been circulating on our Earthly waves for some time now, and all who have come across it have reported sensations of suspended time, kaleidoscopic reveries and forced reminiscences of intangible archaic constructs. What should we make of these images and impressions? 


I don’t think there’s a unique way of decoding this album, although I tried to compose this record as different stages and landscapes and tales through different times, it is a lot about a possible future where temperatures are increasingly high so the atmosphere had begun to melt the polar ice-caps turning the world into a swamp, where there’s a decline for mammalian fertility and a growing ascendancy of amphibian and reptile forms better adapted to aquatic life… it might exist some reminiscence of Clark Ashton Smith’s Zotique or Ballard’s The Drowned World in all this.


You evoke unfamiliar plant life, intergalactic routes, mysterious rites. Tell us more about your world, the landscapes and architectures and beings that inhabit it. 


Yeah, I used the figures of ancient vegetation and creatures from prehistory to establish a return of all these lifeforms, like Ichthyosaurs, Stethacanthus, Sigillaria and Lepidodendron to create a new future scenario very similar to the mesozoic era and make a soundtrack for it. All this was very inspiring during the process of making the album, sample development, etc… then I had this image of archeologist droids on Earth recollecting the pieces of what used to be a space station ran by some of the last human beings, preserving their ecosystem before everything radically changed, and their failed attempt to take it to space to some bearable exoplanet, kind of like an horror sequel to Silent Running or something…


You've been here before, or at least one of your previous iterations. We still remember False Sir Nicholas. Were there more? Where are they now? 


False Sir Nicholas, the time traveller wizard… he’s far back in the past, nobody knows much about him.


Your transmission conveys an understanding of crumbling civilizations as well as the birth or new worlds in their place. In our timeline, we are at a point of extreme social and ecological violence. Do you think we will crumble irrevocably or is there still a chance for rebirth and redemption?


I tend to think there can always be chance, but I’m even more inclined to believe that there’s a way for planet Earth to survive, and it is by the extinction of human race… that sounds like redemption to me…


Can we expect future transmissions or visits from you or one of your shapes? 


There’s five albums I’m finishing for next year, as Los Archimboldos which is a duo I founded with Doctor Crocco, a great soldier from Chile, another one with Grant Corum (The Orchardist), which the name I can’t reveal but it’s also taking a very cinematic course… There is one very strange LP project I’m co-producing with Diego Hernández for mythical Chilean collective from late 90’s La Banda's and two others I’d rather not tell to let you on suspense…Will be playing at KRAAK Festival this year, so people in Brussels, beware!