

Pierre-Jean Croset is an adventurer at core. He dedicated his life to study Cage’s concept “music of the spheres” and musical instruments and traditions all over the globe. He started composing pieces on a self-built 18 string lyre that are free floating and spiritual, exploring the universal overtones of just intonation improvisation. Somehow, Croset got forgotten by musical history. Luckily, music history is in 2018 a warped back and forth cycle, and his music was dug out of the cracks of history by the Brussels based label Ångström. They will re-issue next year Croset’s debut album Danse Dans Le Néant Des Grands Dieux Agiles — Concert “ Live” In Originel Center. Another jump in history: in 1985 the USA magazine Interval Magazine interviewed Croset on this musical idea’s. For the occasion of his unique concert at the Eastern Daze Festival, The Avant-Guardian has the honor to re-publish this old interview as a fac simile — extending the splendid archival work by Ångström. Please find below an excerpt from an interview Jonathan Glasier did for Interval Magazine* in 1985.
16 November 2018 | AG 13